Port Welshpool Fishing Weekend. Fantastic fishing location catering for smaller boats wanting to fish inshore or larger boats wishing to go offshore.
The Port Welshpool area is a fantastic fishing location catering for smaller boats wanting to fish inshore or larger boats wishing to go offshore. Fish on offer are Gummy Shark, Snapper, Whiting, Flathead, Squid and Kingfish. See the Info and Itinery document for more details.
Book prior to Thursday midnight 13th March and go into the draw for a day fishing with Fergy.
This day will be at the comp this year where you will fishy in Fergy's boat. Valued at $700
Accommodation can be booked at:
Dates: Friday 21nd March to Sunday 23th March
Fishing times
All BMYS away events are now brag mat only. Please ensure you have your BMYS brag or similar. Photos of fish to be text to my mobile 0417 380 384 during the scheduled fishing times each day. Fished sent after these times will not be eligible.
The following dining arrangements have been made. Please let Steve know 24 hours prior if you are coming to be included in the booking.
An information night will be held at BMYS clubrooms on Wednesday 19th March for a run through of the weekends protocol and safety issues plus a fishing update as to what’s biting.
Cost of entry is $20 per person. Note that you need to pay and register 48 HOURS PRIOR to the event to be eligible.
Bookings via the website. Registration closes midnight Tuesday 18th March at midnight
Entry Fee of $20. Juniors are free.
NOTE: The following tickets exist. Multiple tickets can be added in the same booking - e.g. 2 x Entry Fee. Add all tickets BEFORE clicking Continue. Example below.
Communications: VHF Channel 72 and 27 MEG Channel 27 (Check in on Launch/Retrieval is Compulsory)
Safety Equipment: Port Welshpool requires all boats to carry a full offshore flare and safety kit. This applies to all waters both inshore and offshore.