The Club conducted its annual Presentation Awards night on Wednesday 14th September. After all the interruptions arising from Covid restrictions, it was great to have this important Club night back as a live event and at its traditional time. Award winners and partners together with guests enjoyed...
Father’s Day at BMYS saw 180 guests come and enjoy a great day spent with family. The beautiful classic cars from All Marquis Car storage set the backdrop for this year’s luncheon. Porsche...
The Club conducted its ‘Spring Working Bee’ on Sunday 11th September. During the morning those attending completed a comprehensive range of maintenance work and many club improvements for all members...
The Boating Committee recently conducted a Fire Training Night. This is an annual event and focuses on Club members reducing fire risk on their boats. The training was led by guest presenter Peter...
White with a touch of “Glitz” proved to be a very colourful theme for the 2022 Ladies Cocktail Party on Saturday evening. The Club has been unable to conduct this event for the past 2 years because...
Around 120 enjoyed a fun night of wine and cheese, five rounds of trivia followed by a great DJ. There was a tie for first place and the teams then played off for the title. The room was filled with...
At the BMYS Annual General Meeting conducted on Tuesday 17th, May 2022 nominations for the three Flag Officers (Commodore, Vice Commodore, and Rear Commodore) and five (5) ordinary Directors were...
Almost 140 members and their families enjoyed a special Mother’s Day at BMYS together with up to 4 generations from some of the families celebrating. Mums were greeted on arrival with a glass of...
The BMYS Wackett Trophy NavRally for 2022 was held on Sunday the 10th of April, on a day where the weather threatened and looked a bit ominous. The day started very pleasantly but the northerly...