Nav Rallies returned to BMYS on Sunday 23rd April with the running of the Wackett Trophy Nav Rally in favourable conditions with light winds.
A small but very enthusiastic field took to the water with high hopes of a great result. New runners Richard Crossland and Mark Mackie were especially keen to move up the rankings and talked up their chances.
The day started very pleasantly with a light breeze building during the morning. Well done to all boat crews for completing the course. Crews gathered in the downstairs bar to watch the event replayed on the TV before enjoying a BBQ lunch and presentation of prizes.
All crews finished the course with the following placings.
The Ricketts Points Regatta being the premier Nav Rally for the season will be held on Sunday 21st May. Anyone participating in a Nav Rally is eligible for the major participation prize of an Engel fridge. This great prize will be presented at the end of the Nav Rally season.
Thanks to all participants, and to the Boating Committee for putting on such a great day. Thanks to Noel and Ben for running the rescue boat.
Sir Lawrence Wackett was our club’s 2nd Commodore and a much-loved member, but that was only a small part of his life - he is revered for his contributions to aviation in Australia as a Pilot, Designer, Engineer, Manager & Entrepreneur, and is widely remembered as the ‘father of the Australian aircraft industry’. An amazing Australian.