In 2006 Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron hosted the first annual Able Day on the Bay for a group of people with varying degrees of deafness and blindness disabilities from Able Australia. Able Australia is a diverse not-for-profit organisation offering a broad range of disability services for adults...
The BMYS Clubhouse was a great location for Mother's Day and the magnificent weather created the perfect backdrop. There were 140 guests in attendance and they enjoyed some special family time...
BMYS was host to another Boat Licensing Course run at the Club on Sunday 7th May. There were 20 people attending and all enjoyed a fun morning. Michelle from Peninsula Boat Training was the...
A VHF Radio Operators course was held at BMYS on Sunday 30th April. This training session is the first in a training series to be conducted over the autumn / winter months of the year. The VHF Radio...
Nav Rallies returned to BMYS on Sunday 23rd April with the running of the Wackett Trophy Nav Rally in favourable conditions with light winds. A small but very enthusiastic field took to the water...
Anthony Heyde was farewelled on Tuesday 4th April as Club Manager of BMYS after 6 years in the role. There were approximately 200 Club members in attendance. A presentation to Anthony from BMYS was...
Major sponsor Streaker Marine hosted the Club’s Family Fishing Day on Sunday 19th March. Event participants experienced overcast and breezy conditions and mild temperatures that weren’t ideal, but...
Club members participating in the Club’s Port Welshpool weekend experienced a great trip with lots of fun and highlights. Port Welshpool/Corner Inlet is very tidal, with an entrance that faces to the...
Members participating in this Boating Committee event enjoyed a relaxed Sunday morning cruise on the Bay with a challenge of a quiz of questions about inshore and land-based things. The morning...