Club members participating in the Club’s Port Welshpool weekend experienced a great trip with lots of fun and highlights. Port Welshpool/Corner Inlet is very tidal, with an entrance that faces to the east and flows up into myriad arms and branches and provides a lot of options of where to fish and...
Members participating in this Boating Committee event enjoyed a relaxed Sunday morning cruise on the Bay with a challenge of a quiz of questions about inshore and land-based things. The morning...
Site Director Rohan Carroll and the Site Committee were pleased with the results achieved at the Club’s first Working Bee for 2023. Despite occasional rain hard working Club volunteers had the Club...
Sunday 29th of January saw the band The B Side perform on the grassed area of BMYS. Some members had a BYO BBQ, picnic or just nibbles.  The members who attended enjoyed a pleasant afternoon...
A great gathering of families came together on Sunday 4th December to join in the fun of the Club's annual Children's Christmas Party. The very popular Mushrooms had the children up dancing to great...
The Club recently completed a very successful 2022 Gala Fishing Competition after the Covid restrictions disrupted this premier event in 2020 and 2021. It was great to be able to run a full-blown...
Over 100 members, families and friends enjoyed a great day indoors at BMYS celebrating the 2022 Melbourne Cup Day. The Social Committee ran sweeps throughout the day including many for the Melbourne...
On Sunday 2nd October our 2022 Sail Past was held before a very big crowd and included the largest fleet of boats seen in recent years. The day was a huge success with members and guests enjoying a...
The Club conducted its annual Presentation Awards night on Wednesday 14th September. After all the interruptions arising from Covid restrictions, it was great to have this important Club night back...