Commodores Cup– 28th February 2021 The Commodores Cup opened the 2021 Nav Rally season on the 28th February. The morning was calm and offered crews great conditions for the run. The course of just over 10 nautical miles started heading east from the...
Awards Night at BMYS Wednesday, 24th February The Club conducted a virtual Presentation Night and announced award winners for 2020 via Zoom following the Half-Year Annual General...
Port Welshpool Fishing Trip 2021 The Knox Club Sports Fishing Club Versus BMYS Port Welshpool was run over the weekend of 6th and 7th of February. We compete for the “LAGA” cup which...
Working Bee @ BMYS Sunday 31st January The first working bee in 18 months saw record attendances completing a comprehensive range of maintenance work and many club improvements for all members to...
Australia Day 2021 @ BMYS Our inaugural BMYS Australia Day event was a great success despite unfavourable conditions on the water. Whilst a Strong Wind Warning prevented the planned boating...
BMYS Weather Station A Davis Weather Station and data Collector are now operating at BMYS.  The system occupies a vantage point on the roof of the Clubhouse and overlooks Beaumaris Bay. The...
This fun day was celebrated in two sessions to help accommodate the high demand for the day. It was great to see so many kids enjoying the Christmas experience. We had Lisa, a magnificent face...
A number of large rocks were found in the launch and retrieve area next to the No. 5 jetty which posed a significant risk to members’ boats particularly at low tide. Troy Sparkman and Hein Preller...
The government has restrictions for the next two weeks that limits the Club to 40 people inside the building, upstairs and/or downstairs combined, with 5-meter gaps between tables. Outside we can...